Dear Others

I am overwhelmed by the number of people whose lives have intersected with mine over the past twelve months. It was indeed a people-rich year for me. That so many of those intersections seemed to be divine appointments has caused me to evaluate what was different about this quickly fading year.

Most were total strangers before our “chance” meeting.

Some are still strangers. Our conversations were brief, and it is unlikely that our paths will cross again. But each encounter was an opportunity to share a word of encouragement or comfort.

Other encounters have developed into friendships that promise long-term, mutually encouraging relationships.

All have left me grateful and feeling privileged to have shared a heart-moment with a child of God or a searching soul.

There was a time when those divine appointments did not happen—could not happen. It hurts my heart to think of it now. Those times when my self-absorption would have prevented me from seeing the individual needing a kind word. If I accidentally noticed someone who might be struggling, I would have hurried past so my “busy, important” schedule wouldn’t be hindered. So many God-moments missed.

As God’s Holy Spirit worked to realign my heart, mind, and spirit with God’s expectations, He turned my focus to others and away from me. I began praying, “LORD, please help me see people the way you do—with love and concern. Don’t let me look past people. Forgive me when I get “judgy” with people, and help me not to have a critical spirit. Help me to remember that truth spoken in love with kindness is far more potent than true words spouted harshly or platitudes offered insincerely.”

Over time, I began to see people differently. I became more responsive to their moods, needs, and hurts—I wanted to share Jesus and His everlasting love, joy without end, and peace beyond understanding. I prayed for discernment and courage because offering comfort and encouragement is scary when you know it may not be welcomed.   

The opportunities to exercise my growing desire came slowly—God allowed me to grow and stretch my wings. Those early opportunities were testing grounds. The God-moments happen more frequently these days, and this past year has been flooded with them.  

When I read the writings of the Apostle Paul, it is evident that he was driven to share the Gospel of Christ with anyone and everyone who would listen. And God used Paul in awesome and mighty ways to spread the Good News of Jesus.

It is also apparent that when Paul surrendered himself to Jesus on the road to Damascus, he surrendered himself completely. Paul was all in. When he wrote to the Church in Thessalonica, Paul said, “Not only did we want to share the Gospel of God with you, we wanted to share ourselves with you—you had become very dear to us.”

Jesus is our perfect example in all things. He saw people in their need and had great compassion for them. He spoke the Truth and healed broken hearts, spirits, and bodies. Jesus surrendered Himself fully to His Father’s will to save His lost and hell-bound creatures. Jesus shared His all—His own self.

Paul followed Christ’s example in selflessly sharing himself with those he served, and so should we.

Unexpected conversations can become divine appointments when we begin to see others as God sees them. As we listen with open ears, loving hearts, and caring spirits led by the Holy Spirit, God will give the words that need to be shared. And the more completely we surrender ourselves to the Father, the more frequently He will enable us to share our hearts—our very selves—with the “others” He brings into our lives.

I pray for you and me that this new year will be people-rich, filled with many God moments and divine appointments.

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