The Gift

A long-time Christmas favorite in our home is the 1963 Christmas episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show titled “The Alan Brady Show Presents.” Alan Brady’s multi-talented writing staff, led by Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke), steps into the spotlight as the featured performers for the Christmas-themed show. Of course, Rob’s wife, Laura (Mary Tyler Moore), and son, Richie (Larry Mathews), join the fun.

The entertaining episode is filled with “silly.” And there are a few chuckle-worthy moments. But it’s Rob’s son, Richie, performing the “Little Drummer Boy” that makes it a TV classic—and a standard in our annual Christmas entertainment lineup. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without Richie’s sweet solo. (There’s a link at the end of this post if you’d like to listen.)

As sweet and heartfelt as the simple carol is, it gives me pause. I think of those who hold on to the false hope that if they “give God enough,” they’ll have met their spiritual obligations—heaven awaits. It’s a belief held by those who don’t know God or at least don’t know Him well.

We cannot gift our way into God’s Kingdom. It cannot be done. There is no gift, whether it be mountains of money, treasures of immeasurable value, a lifetime of good works and service for others, or acts of selfless heroism that can be bartered in exchange for our salvation. No, even a heartfelt performance on a little drum will not purchase our way into Glory.

The Apostle Paul asks, “Who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid?” (Romans 11:35 ESV)

The answer is no one. Since the beginning of time, no human has ever given God something that made God say, “Wow, I owe him for that one!”

In the next verse, Paul explains the “no one” answer (Romans 11:36). God created, breathed life into, and continues to sustain all things that have ever existed, exist today, or ever will exist. It ALL belongs to God. We belong to God—whether we acknowledge and praise that fact or deny and despise the idea.

There is nothing that we can give to God that doesn’t already belong to Him.

We are His. We are either His chosen children who, in faith and belief, have surrendered ourselves and accepted God’s gift of new life in Jesus Christ. Or we are His created creatures who refused the gift of life and instead chose eternal rebellion, death, and hell.

Once we have surrendered to our Creator and embraced the grace-filled gift of salvation, we can take great joy in practicing the art and exercise of regifting—spiritual regifting. Unlike the often frowned upon act of social regifting, spiritual regifting is encouraged. More than encouraged, it is required!

In addition to the priceless gift of salvation that God has given to us, He pours an abundance of gifts into us so that we, too, can become gift-givers—regifters.

The gift of salvation is God’s alone to give, but we can tell others about God’s mercy and grace and His desire that all come to Him in faith, believing that Jesus Christ died in our place, paid our sin-debt so that we could be reconciled to God.

All those other gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are gifts to be shared. And each time you exercise and extend those gifts to others, you share the testimony of God’s grace in your life. It is the ultimate regifting exercise – those are the gifts that can be shared over and over and over.

So what gift can we give to God, Who has given us everything we have and are and ever will be? We are to give ourselves wholeheartedly and in total surrender to Him. When we share the gifts He has given to us, we glorify Him, and He takes great pleasure in us.

Like the daddy who takes joy in his little girl when she asks him for money so that she can buy him a gift for Christmas, God is pleased when we take what He gives and uses it in such a way that it brings Him glory.

So, I will reconsider the gift of the little drummer boy. Instead of trying to gain God’s favor with his gift of music, he is giving back in joyful service the gift that God gave him.

Original Dick Van Dyke Show- Richie sings “The Little Drummer Boy”

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