The Loudest Roar
Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ
Judy Dunagan, Moody Publishers, September 2022
Looking For Hope & Encouragement When Satan’s Roar Seems To Be Getting Louder Everyday?
Here’s a great starting point: The Loudest Roar
Judy’s heart is evident throughout the pages of “The Loudest Roar – Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ.” She draws us in time after time with personal stories of struggles and pain-filled times – not only her own, but also the experiences of those to whom she has ministered over the years. In each case she demonstrates how the power of God, and the voice of Jesus speaks love, truth, grace, and mercy into the brokenness of our lives when we are willing to open our ears to Him.
This timely book reminds us that our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah is the ultimate power source of not only our spiritual life, He is our life. Satan’s roars are but whispers if our ears are attuned to the voice of our Lord, His is the roar that will lead us forward.