
Good King Jehoshaphat’s heart sank as he listened. The Ammonites, Moabites, and the Meunites had combined forces to attack Judah. The massive army was advancing quickly—closing in on Judah.

God’s people were outnumbered and would be easily overpowered. Jehosophat knew there was no way, humanly speaking, that his army could withstand such an onslaught. The godly king was afraid and knew divine intervention was Judah’s only hope. (2 Chronicles 20:8)

Jehoshaphat sent word throughout Judah, calling everyone to prayer and fasting. From every corner of Judah, the people gathered to proclaim God’s power and pray for His intervention and salvation.

The prayer was powerful in its simplicity, “We are outnumbered and helpless—this is out of our control. God, we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (2 Chronicle 20:12)

Then, the Spirit of the LORD gave Jahaziel, the son of Zechariah, a message for the people of Judah. “Listen. God says, ‘Don’t be afraid or dismayed because of this massive army that threatens you. This battle is not yours; you won’t be fighting. This battle belongs to God.'” (2 Chronicles 20:14-15) Here are your instructions:

  • Go to the battlefield,
  • Stand firm,
  • Hold your position, and
  • Watch and see what God will do.

Then Jehoshaphat and all the people bowed low before the Lord, worshipping and praising God for His promised victory. On the following day, Judah’s army watched as God dealt a lethal blow to the combined armies intent on annihilating Judah. Not one of Judah’s fighting men raised a sword or lifted a shield. The battle and the victory belonged entirely to Jehovah God.

I am filled with tremendous hope every time I read this passage in 2 Chronicles. This is my God. Lord of the Angel Armies—He Who fought the battle and won the victory for Judah fights for me.

How awesome is that?!!

I think most of us feel, at times—maybe often, like we live in a war zone. The battle seems unending. Although Satan, sin, and self are the ultimate and underlying enemies, the attacks come at us in a multitude of ways, with many faces and names.

The assaults may be interpersonal, economic, cultural, societal, political, or spiritual. Whatever the source, the attacks can cause real mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual damage if we are caught off-guard and unprepared.

Ultimately, the battle belongs to the Lord, but we have a role to play.

  • We must admit our insufficiency and acknowledge His total sufficiency.
  • We are to show up on the battlefield, suited in our armor, ready for battle, and willing to obey God’s instructions. If God says, “Stand still and watch,” we are to do that. Other times, He’ll tell us to take up our sword and get in the thick of it. We are to live battle-ready, listening to God’s voice and obeying His instructions. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
  • Once in the battle, we are to stand firm and hold our position—steadfast, unwavering, and confident that He Who has called us will deliver us. (Jeremiah 1:8 ESV)

Your personal relationship with God is key to your preparedness for battle. What is your relationship with Him? Is He your Heavenly Father and God because you have accepted Jesus Christ as is your Lord and Savior? Are you faithfully trying to serve Him? Or do you treat God like He is another Siri or Alexa—someone you call up when you need something, have a question, or need directions? Do you view God as your “Get out of jail free card?”

Friend, that is not how it works. God does not abandon His children (Rom 12:19), but He is not standing around, waiting to bail you out or rescue you when you are living in disobedience and disregarding His instructions for growing in the Spirit.

Our relationship with God – whether we are an obedient child, walking in faith, growing in the Spirit, striving to please and honor God in word, thought, and deed, or if we are rebellious, self-centered, disobedient children determined to go our own way, will determine how God deals with us in times of battle, conflict, and hardship.

God promises to be with us in the battle. He doesn’t promise to keep us out of the fight. He knows that on our own, we are powerless. God is all-powerful. He will equip and strengthen us for whatever He calls us to do in times of battle – if we walk with Him and listen to His voice.

We can learn from godly King Jehoshaphat. When the enemy surrounds us and the hordes prepare to attack, let’s acknowledge our powerlessness, fall on our knees, and call out to the All-Powerful One.

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