Time Keeps On Slippin’

To borrow a line from Fly Like An Eagle, by the Steve Miller Band, “Time keeps on slippin’ into the future.” Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years speed past, forcing us to always be on the run trying to catch up.

Wasn’t it only a few years ago that our kids started Kindergarten? How can they possibly be grown men with teens and adult children? Didn’t we celebrate Christmas only a couple of months ago? How can it be time to begin making shopping lists and holiday plans?

Time is slip, slip, slipping—slipped.

I find myself so occupied with keeping up with what is to come that I can easily miss what is here now if I am not careful.

Do you ever find yourself in that time-trap? Do you ever catch yourself so caught up worrying about what you must do for tomorrow, the next day, or the next that you miss out on what is happening right now—today?

It may be that your calendar is just too full. Maybe you’ve said, “Yes, sure, I can do that!” one or two or ten times too many.

Or is it possible that our preoccupation with future to-do’s is simply a way to avoid dealing with a burden-filled, challenging today?

Of course, you must be mindful of the future, both near and far-flung—that is living responsibly. Christ-followers are to look forward, always pressing toward the prize of our high calling in Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:13-14).

But we are never to be so future-focused that we neglect and miss the responsibilities, opportunities, and blessings of the present day.

I was recently reminded of these lines from The Fellowship of the Ring:

Frodo lamented the calamitous times in which he lived and the role that he was given to save Middle Earth and all its creatures. Wise Gandalf understands but reminds the little Hobbit that we do not choose our times. Our only choice is to decide how we will spend the time we are given.

Friend, it is the same with us. We are to accept the time in which God has intentionally placed us. That includes today—not just future days. Where has God placed you today, and what role (or roles) has He given you to play this day?

We have no guarantee of more tomorrows. For better or worse, today is our day.

  • Today is our day to encourage someone with a kind or loving word.
  • Today is our day to reach out to someone in need.
  • Today is our day to love our family well.
  • Today is our day to tell someone God loves them and wants a never-ending relationship. Today, we can share the good news that God made it possible through the death, burial, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Today is our day to ensure our relationship with God is on track. Today, we can examine our hearts and minds—our desires and goals, to be sure that all align with the heart of our Father.

Yes, the clock is ticking, but there are still hours, minutes, and seconds in this day to make it count. There’s time for praise and prayer. There’s time to be in the Word. There’s time for a conversation with a family member, a neighbor, or a friend nearby or across the country.

As long as there is still “today,” there’s time to make this day count.

How will you spend the remainder of your day? 


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