Be Careful Little Eyes…

” . . .keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.” Philippians 3:17 ESV

Last week’s blog featured a children’s song I happily recalled during several days of amazing worship with Christian writers and speakers from all over the U.S. and Canada. This past week another children’s song has been on repeat in my mind.

Be careful little eyes what you see.

Be careful little eyes what you see.

For the Father up above is looking down in love.

Be careful little eyes what you see.

Author Unknown

This song dating back to the late 1800s goes on to caution our ears, tongue, hands, and feet as well.

As a child, it was easy to understand how I could be careful with my tongue, hands, and feet because I could control them. I wasn’t at all sure how I could control what I saw or heard.

Through Scripture and my own experiences, I’ve come to understand the wisdom in that warning.

Here are a few examples that God has given in His Word as cautionary tales of how our eyes can lead us astray:

– Eve saw that the forbidden fruit looked good to eat and was delightful to the eye. The look turned into desire. Eve took the fruit, ate it, and then gave it to Adam. (Genesis 3:1-8) When Adam ate, sin and death entered the world, and God’s perfect creation was broken waiting for God to send He the Perfect One to begin making all things right.

– In Genesis chapter 13, “Lot lifted up his eye and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered…like the garden of the LORD.” Lot chose to take his family, his possessions, his flocks, and his herds and move to the land of Sodom where “wicked, great sinners against the LORD” lived (v.13).

– A few chapters later in Genesis 19, Lot’s wife couldn’t resist a disobedient look back at her fine home and all her precious belongings as the angels escorted Lot and his family out of wicked, doomed-for-destruction Sodom. Instantly, she became a pillar of salt.

– Joshua 7 tells the story of Achan’s disobedience during the fall of Jericho when he “saw among the spoil a beautiful cloak from Shinar, and 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold weighing 50 shekels, and he took them.” Achan’s sin resulted in defeat and the loss of lives in the battle at Ai. Ultimately, Achan and his family who participated in the coverup of his disobedience were stoned to death.

– Samson, a mighty man who judged Israel, was sidetracked by his eyes when he saw one of the daughters of the Philistines – “she is right in my eyes” (Judges 15v.3, v.7). Samson then “saw a prostitute, and he went in to her” (Judges 16:1). These sins led Samson into an illicit relationship with Delilah, which ended with Samson losing his sight and being taken captive by the Philistines.

– David, much loved and hand-picked by God to become King of Israel, fell deeply into sin when “he saw from the roof a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful.” God-loving King David, the Psalmist of Israel, a man after God’s own heart, allowed his eyes to drag him tragically off-course. His continued gaze led to desire and lust. He committed adultery and ordered the death of one of his most faithful warriors to cover up his sin. David, his family, and his kingdom suffered because David allowed his eyes to draw him into sin.

Many a downfall begins as a simple glance, followed by a lingering look. A fixed gaze replaces the look, and then you find yourself mentally or physically reaching for or stepping toward that forbidden thing – whatever or whomever it may be.

We must guard our eyes as carefully as we guard our hearts.

How do we do that?

Pray. Go to Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to protect your eyes and give you the strength to close your eyes and turn away from those things that would attempt to snare you. Ask God to direct your eyes to those things pleasing to Him.

You do not have, because you do not ask.

James 4:2 ESV

Abram (Abraham) watched as Lot let his eyes choose Sodom as his family’s new home. Abram waited, then GOD directed Abram where to set his eyes. GOD showed him where to look. GOD showed him the land that HE had chosen for him (Genesis 13:14-18). Perhaps Lot’s story would have ended differently had he allowed GOD to direct his eyes.

Resolve. Determine that you will not submit your eyes to anything that could ensnare your heart. That includes all types of reading materials – physical or electronic, online strolling, television shows, shopping, movies, food, drink, people, any place, or anything that exposes you to what you know your eyes should not be seeing. Friend, you know your eyes, you know your heart, you know when you need to avert your eyes.

It may not be a bad or sinful thing – but it may be something that can fill your eyes, ensnare your heart, and keep you from the best thing.

Job understood the power of the eyes; he knew the danger of the heart following the eyes. So, he made an agreement with his eyes that he would not gaze at temptations (Job 31:1).  

…if my step has turned aside from the way and my heart has gone after my eyes….

Job 31:7 ESV

I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.

Psalm 101:3a ESV

Engage. One of the best ways to engage your eyes, your heart, and your mind with GOD is to be in the Word. The Psalmist writes that GOD’s truths are right and make the heart rejoice, His commands are pure, enlightening our eyes (Psalm 19:8).

Psalm 119 says when we keep our eyes fixed on GOD’s Word and meditate on His commands, we will not be put to shame (v. 6, 15). Then the Psalmist prays, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” (v. 18).

Keep your eyes on Jesus.

“Looking to Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 ESV

I love this verse because it so beautifully describes what Jesus, our LORD and Savior, has done and is doing for us as He sits by His Father. A key point of the verse is that we are to keep our eyes on Jesus. He is our focus. He is THE FOCUS.

Other translations render the phrase “looking to Jesus” as “fixing our eyes on Jesus” (NIV), “keeping our eyes on Jesus” (CSB), and “looking only at Jesus” (NASB).

When our gaze is fixed on Jesus, we will not be easily led astray by the eye candy of the world.

My Prayer:

Father GOD, it is so easy for my eyes to be drawn to the sparkling lights and the glittering shiny things the world has to offer. Forgive me, LORD, when I lose focus and take my eyes off Your Son.

Close my eyes to the things that want to ensnare and lead me away from You.

Give me the patience to wait for You to direct my eyes to what it is You have for me. Forgive me when I rush ahead with my eyes on my goals instead of on You.

Help my heart to love Your Word more every day and increase my understanding. Let Your Word be a shield about me and a guard before my eyes.

Above all, let my eyes be fixed upon my Savior.

Amen and Amen.

But my eyes are toward you, O GOD, my Lord; in You I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless!

Psalm 141:8 ESV

For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.

Psalm 26:3 ESV
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