Soul Care

“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”

Jeremiah 31:25 ESV

Appearance obsession is alive and well. This year Americans will spend over $533 billion1 on personal appearance products, NOT including beauty and “physical improvement” services like hair stylists, colorists, cosmetologists, spas, trainers, weight management programs, et cetera. The average dollar spent per U.S. citizen far exceeds the averages of other countries – perhaps not a boast-worthy statistic.

Social media and every form of advertisement emphatically encourage us to devote our time, dollars, and energy to care for, improve, and maintain our appearance. It’s no wonder we can easily become fixated on our exterior while neglecting our interior.

So, I asked “The Google” for ways to deal with the interior! Great news! I found a “Soul Care Kit” available online for ONLY $65. The kit includes golden cleanser, cream, exfoliator, and a harmony mask. What a deal! But I don’t understand how exfoliator works in soul care and I’m not sure where the cleanser and cream are to be applied, but I like the idea of “golden” and “harmony” – both sound “soulish” and a bit heavenly.

I also found Top-5 Soul-care habits: “1. prayer and devotion, 2. attend therapy-small group-life coaching, 3. listen to focus music or ocean sounds while journaling, 4. reading/listen/watch content on emotional wellness, and 5. cry or laugh to release endorphins. Hmmm – better than the kit – barely.

Seriously. Friend, if you’re not already, it’s time to look inward. As Christ-followers, we need ongoing, intentional “Soul Care.”

First, let’s define “soul” as the word is used in Scripture. The soul is a vital life-giving force that animates the body. It’s the true being of a person, a distinct and separate essence that is the life of a person different and apart from the body. The soul is the part of a person that death does not destroy. It is designed by God for everlasting life. (from Strong’s H5316 nepeš, G5590 psychē)

Here’s a definition of soul care borrowed from Soul care is the attention given to healing a wounded soul or maintaining a healthy soul. In a Christian context, soul care is often linked to finding help to overcome temptations, fight addictions, and have peace with God.”

We are to love and serve God with our whole being, recognizing that our soul plays a special role in our relationship with our heavenly Father. It’s good to nurture our body, mind, and emotions, we simply cannot neglect the vital maintenance of our souls.

Here’s are some of the things that God has to say about HIS role in our soul care:

– His Spirit breathed new life into our soul when Jesus became our Lord and Savior. Isa 55:3, Rom 8:1-2

– The Holy Spirit’s sanctifying work began at the moment of our salvation – preparing us body, soul, and spirit for the day of Christ’s return. 1 Thes 5:23

– HE sees and understands those times when our soul is in distress and faltering; HE will be our comforter in times of sorrow and affliction. Psa 31:7

– HE is the Redeemer and Rescuer of our soul in the battle against Satan, sin, and self (the flesh).

– HE is the guardian of our soul, our deliverer, help, and shield. Psa 25:20, 33:20, 55:18

– When our soul is weary, HE revives, refreshes, restores, and upholds the soul that clings to Him. Psa 19:7, 23:3, 63:1,8

– Our soul has a steadfast anchor in Jesus, our perfect High Priest. Heb 6:19

If it sounds like all the soul care work is in God’s hands, don’t worry – God calls us to join Him in the work (Phil 2:12-13). You and I have responsibilities in the care and nurturing of our soul as well. We are to:

– Love God. We are to love God with our entire being – heart and soul. Mat 22:37, Mar 12:30, Luk 10:27

– Obey God. Obedience takes root in the soul and heart; it must be regularly fed through God’s Word and prayer. Deu 26:16

– Pray. Pray for strength, guidance, wisdom, help, repentance – pour out your soul. God is listening. 1 Sam 1:15, Psa 138:3

– Be Aware. Be always on guard, the passions of the flesh war against our souls. 1 Pet 2:11

– Be Intentional. There is nothing in this world more important than the state of your soul. Nothing is worth the eternal loss of your soul. Mat 16:26, Mark 8:36-37

– Be in the Word. God’s Word strikes and moves us in the depths of our soul. God reveals Himself to us in His Word and He shows us who we are and how He loves us. From cover to cover, His Word IS soul care. 2 Tim 3:16, Heb 4:12

– Praise and Worship. Praise rises from the soul that remembers God’s goodness and knows that its hope is in Him. Psa 43:5, 62:1, 103:1-2, 22; Lam 3:17, 20, 24-25

– Tell Others.  From our soul, we testify of God’s goodness. Psa 66:16,104:1, 139:14

You can count on God to fulfill every promise that He has made in His Word and to His children. When it comes to the work of soul care, God will never fail you – His work will be completed. But you can hinder the work, slow it down, and even bring it to a halt if you allow sin to take control in your life. Even “small sins” can interfere with the necessary soul work that should be taking place.  

That means you need to regularly examine your soul, your heart, your mind to see if there is any area of your life that is out of step with God (Gal 6:25). Is there any precious sin that you are harboring in your life? Repent and confess. “If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 Joh 1:9)

Soul Care – yes, it requires work. You can’t buy a prepackaged Soul Care Kit online for $69.95 or simply listen to a recording of ocean waves in hopes of aligning your soul with your God and Savior.

Look again at the list of soul care work that God does for you and compare it to the list of soul care work that God expects from you. How small is God’s expectation from you compared to the enormity of all that that HE has done and is doing for you and in you.  

What do you need to do to regularly practice soul care? Make a list. Make a plan. Identify moments in your day when you can spend focused seconds/minutes on some area of your soul care. The healthier your soul, the more satisfying, fulfilling, and closer your walk with your LORD.

“…thank the LORD for His steadfast love, for His wondrous works to the children of man! For HE satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul HE fills with good things.” Psalm 107:8-9

1 “Consumer Market Insights,”, January 2023

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