The Way

“I have chosen the way of faithfulness….”

Psalm 119:30

Directional Dyslexia. More correctly labeled “left-right confusion” or “developmental topographical disorientation.”  ALWAYS LOST is what I call it. That’s me. To say that I have “no sense of direction” doesn’t begin to describe my directional issues. “Oppositional direction-itis” might be more fitting.

Tell me “go right,” I’ll hook a left. “Take a left, yep, I turn right.” North, south, east, west – just words on a map that can be turned in multiple directions. You get the sad picture. I won’t bore you with my multitude of “lost in ____ (insert the name of almost any major U.S. city, parking lot, or hotel corridor) stories” that fill my repertoire.

Imagine my excitement when I read in Isaiah 35 about the Highway of Holiness that God has planned for His Redeemed when King Jesus is on the throne in Jerusalem and God’s creation has been fully restored.

“And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness…. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray.” Isaiah 35:8

Finally, a highway on which even I cannot get lost! But that’s in our glorious future, what about NOW?

Our spiritual journey must begin with Jesus:

“Jesus said to him, “I am the Way (the path or road), and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Only in Jesus do we have access to the Father and His gift of redemption, salvation, and eternal life. Only in Jesus do we find ourselves on eternity’s road to life everlasting.

The Bible in its entirety is God’s travel guide for life on “the road” (2 Timothy 3:16). In Psalms 119, the Psalmist gives us “travel tips” for staying on the spiritual path that God intends for His Children to travel in the here and now.

Stop and ask directions. God knows the path that you are on, ask HIM to guide and teach you in His Truth. Psalm 119:26

Pay attention to the signs and road markers along the way. Ask God for understanding; meditate on His Words and His works. Psalm 119:27

Focus on the road – no rabbit trails. Eliminate the distractions from your life which are not God-pleasing (sins, habits, whatever). If you don’t know what that might include, be assured, God will reveal those things to you in His perfect timing. Psalm 119:29, 37

Don’t let unexpected obstacles throw you off course. Choose faithfulness. Make up your mind that you are going to be obedient to God BEFORE you encounter bumps in the road and challenges in your journey. It’s easier to remain steadfast when the decision to be obedient has been made in advance. Psalm 119:30

Grow as you go. Pursue godliness. Ask God for an obedient heart that is ever learning and growing in faith and godliness. Be intentional in living out the truth of God’s Word – every step of the way, faithful to the end. Psalm 119:32-33

Enjoy the journey. Take great delight in your God. The better you know God and His Truth, the more you love Him and the clearer you see the many ways that He showers His love upon you – you cannot help but praise and delight in HIM.  Psalm 119:35 (Psalm 35:27, 37:4, 40:8, 111:2, 119:14, 16, 24; Romans 7:22)

Celebrate the benefits of the journey. The journey is part of your transformation process. When you reach your destination – God’s presence – you will not be the same person who first stepped onto the path. Recognize and rejoice in the work that God’s Holy Spirit began in you the moment you accepted Christ as your Savior; transforming work that He continues to do every day that you walk this earthly path. Philippians 1:6, 3:21; Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18

Recognize and appreciate your upgraded travel status. There is immense liberty and freedom in walking in accordance with God’s precepts. You are no longer a slave to sin and death. Your chains have been broken and you have been set free. You are no average traveler on the road of life, you are the adopted daughter of God Almighty, joint heirs with the Son, free to flourish in HIS goodness, and heaven bound. Psalm 119:45

With liberty and freedom come obligation. You are not walking this path alone; you have traveling companions. Sisters and brothers in Christ who are walking the road alongside you. Be ever mindful that in our liberty and freedom, we are compelled to serve one another in love. (Galatians 5:13, 1 Peter 2:16) What that service may look like depends on who you happen to be walking with at the moment. Be sensitive to and aware of the needs of your fellow-travelers, ready always to cheer, encourage, serve, lift, and even carry when the privilege presents itself.

“This is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.” Psalm 48:14

Thankfully, my Bible reading skills greatly exceed my map-reading, direction-following, and even GPS-listening abilities. While it may or may not be a long time before we walk the Highway of Holiness in God’s restored kingdom, HE has graciously provided everything you and I need today to navigate the road that lies before us: His written Word, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and direct access to the Father through prayer.

“You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will receive me to glory.” Psalm 73:24


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