“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10: 10b

Never enough.

Often seems that way, doesn’t it?

Not enough. . .

minutes in the day,

energy to get it all done,

patience with those around you,

money to make it through the month,

recognition, validation, acclaim, success, smarts, beauty, love, hope, friendships, laughter, joy, fun. . .

You name it – there’s simply not enough.

This frequently covered song from the 2017 film “The Greatest Showman” is a lyrical example of the human condition and its seemingly endless need for more.

Never Enough

“I’m trying to hold my breath

Let it stay this way

Can’t let this moment end….

All the shine of a thousand spotlights

All the stars we steal from the night sky

Will never be enough

Never be enough

Towers of gold are still too little

these hands could hold the world but it’ll

never be enough

never be enough

(From “The Greatest Showman,” “Never Enough” written by Benj Pasek & Justin Paul)

If you had all the fame the world had to offer,

If you could hold the beauty of night sky in your hand,

If you possessed wealth and treasures beyond measure,

It still would not be enough. Never, never enough.

It is not a matter of having much or little, it’s a matter of feeling that what you do have or who you are is not enough.

If you are trying to find your “enough” in yourself or in the multitude of things the world has to offer, you are right, and the song is right – it is not enough; it will never be enough.

Dear friend, you have been made for so much more. You were made for abundance.

Once you have accepted the gift of salvation available to you through the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, Jesus – Who is more than enough – offers you a life of abundance. Jesus said,

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10: 10b

Why would you be satisfied with “enough” when “abundance” is available?

Look at the definition of these two words:

“Enough” is defined as adequate, meets the necessity, no more no less, the amount needed, and equal to the requirement – no more, no less.

“Abundance” means ample quantity, profusion, extremely plentiful, great supply, more than sufficient, and large amounts.

Ask a child if she wants a lot or a little of something good, the little one will answer without reservation, “a lot!” So why do we hesitate?

Seriously, why the hesitation?

Is it because our eyes are so focused on the things of the world that we think those are the only things that are going to make us happy?

Is it because we’ve convinced ourselves those are the only things that are going to make us feel like we are enough?

Is it because we think that it will be too hard to live the abundant life?

Is it because we think that the abundant life is something that will happen when we get to heaven and we’re afraid it might mean poverty in the meantime?

Is it because we really don’t trust that God will come through with His promises?

These are questions only you can answer.

But while you consider the questions, also consider the abundance that has been promised:

  • Abundant goodness (Psalm 31:19; 145:7)
  • Abundant peace (Psalm 37:11)
  • Abundant mercy (Psalm 51:1; 69:16)
  • Abundance and satisfaction in God’s goodness (Jeremiah 31:14 CSB)
  • Abundance of joy and generosity in times of poverty and wealth (2 Corinthians 8:2, 14)
  • Grace and peace in abundance (1 Peter 1:2, 2 Peter 1:2 NIV)
  • Mercy, peace, and love in abundance (Jude 1:2 NIV)
  • Abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17)

Stop looking for enough. Stop trying to be enough.

Jesus is Always Enough.

Accept the abundance that you will find only in Jesus.

Father God,

By Your abundant grace keep me from the frantic pursuit of being enough, having enough, knowing enough, being accepted enough, or any other enough that might cross my path.

Help me to know in my head and in my heart that YOU are always enough.

Give me a deep desire for the abundant life that YOU offer. That abundant life, YOUR life, is so much more than anything that this world has to offer.


“Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind!” Psalm 31:19

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