Come and See

“There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory.”

1 Corinthians 15:41

Late one warm summer evening, my mom woke me and my younger sister urging us to quickly get up and go with her, “Come and see!” Stretching and yawning, we followed mom out the backdoor into the middle of our sprawling backyard. Mom spread a big quilt across the damp grass and laid down, centering herself face up on the quilt. Quickly, we joined her – one on either side – still not sure what we were doing.

Raising her arms towards the sky, Mom exclaimed “look what God has done.” And we looked. The moon in its luminescent fullness appeared close enough to touch and by itself was beauty worth waking for, but the moon was not alone.

The expanse above us was teeming with millions of brilliant diamond-like stars – each competing to outshine the others. The Texas night sky was glorious.

We lay in silent awe – soaking in the beauty of God’s creation. Then mom talked to us about God, how He loves us, watches over us, and guides us.

There were other nights under the stars, but none like the first night when we had no idea what to expect…the night that God surprised and delighted us with His celestial artistry.

Years have passed since my five-year-old self lay beside my mother gazing into the night sky astonished by its beauty. Besides teaching me about the majesty of God, that starlit evening also taught me a lesson in “expectation.”

Not “expectation” with the underlying sense of entitlement that frequently accompanies the word today. Rather “expectation” in the sense that as daughters of Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, Lord of the Angel Armies, we should live in a state of constant anticipation and expectation… looking for unexpected glimpses of His beauty and grandeur revealed in our day to day lives while alert and aware of the active work that God is doing in us and all around us.


In Psalm 66, the Psalmist writes, “Come and see what God has done: He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man.” (v. 5) Later in the same psalm, he writes, “Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for my soul.” (v. 16)

Just as my mom woke my sister and me so that we could see for ourselves and marvel at God’s handiwork, we should invite others to share in the beauty of what God has shown us and what He is doing in us.

Who is like You, O LORD…?

Who is like You, majestic in holiness,

awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?

Exodus 15:11

Are you living a life of anticipation and expectancy – looking eagerly to see God’s artisanship displayed?

Are you actively looking for signs of God’s working in your life and in your world?

Or are you simply looking…looking for something or someone to bring you that “thing” that seems to be missing in your life?

To you I say,

Come and See.

Wake up from your slumber.

Raise your eyes to the One who is

the bright and shining Morning Star.

Come and Hear.

Listen, as Jesus calls to you, “Come.”

To the weary and heavy laden – Jesus says, “Come.” (Matthew 11:28)

To those afraid to step out in faith – Jesus says, “Come.” (Matthew 14:29)

To those who seek the Kingdom of God with childlike faith and humility –

 Jesus says, “Come.” (Matthew 19:14)

To those seeking healing – Jesus says, “Come.” (Mark 3:3)

To those seeking rest and renewal – Jesus says, “Come.” (Mark 6:31)

To the sinner seeking forgiveness and redemption – Jesus says, “Come.” (Luke 5:32)

To the one who thirsts – Jesus says, “Come.” (John 7:37)

To those discouraged and feeling deserted – Jesus says, “Come.” (John 21:12)

“Come and see what God has done…”

Psalm 66:5

They shall speak of the might of Your awesome deeds, and I will declare Your greatness.

Psalm 145:6

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