God wants to have conversation with you, His daughter.

Do you hear His voice?

Break through the noise.

Live with ears wide open.

You say you want to hear from God…

From sunrise to sunset and every minute in between we are bombarded with the blaring noises of our culture and our world. Everyone and everything are loud and getting louder, shouting to demand attention and agreement, or screaming to drown out dissenting voices.

Our current culture has become very loud. Much of the noise has become accusatory, hateful, and downright ugly. It comes at us from every direction: our pet electronic devices, mainstream and cable news, talk shows of all sorts, it’s scripted into televised and streamed entertainment programs, commercials, advertisements, politicians, educators, the medical community, protesters, rioters, dissidents, anarchists, people on the street, neighbors…sometimes, even from our pulpits.

Are you ready to listen?

“Listen, you women, to the words of the LORD; open your ears to what HE has to say….” Jeremiah 9:20 NLT

Maybe you have no problem tuning out and turning off the external clatter, but what about the internal noise that fills your ears and makes you deaf to the voice of God. It is my prayer, dear friend, that you will find in this blog words of encouragement and biblical instruction that will help you identify and rid yourself of the noisemakers that rob you of the sweet conversation God desires to have with you, His much loved daughter.